Friday, April 21, 2017

DIY Shorts Made from Recycled Fabric

Hey everyone! I am always looking for free sewing patterns for clothes that I would actually wear, and recently I found Peppermint Mag via Pinterest! They just happen to be a magazine specializing in "style, sustainability, and substance!" I originally was attracted to their site because of the free patterns (ngl!). BUT, they also have some really amazing articles that you should check out! (Can you tell I want them to sponsor me?!)

Anyway! My spring break project that I wanted to tackle was to bring this shorts design to life! They are drawstring shorts to wear to the beach/during the summertime!

This is how they came out!!

My design!

I am terrible at making patterns from scratch, so I was overjoyed to come across the "Get Shorty" pattern from Issue 27! Click on this link to see their free printable pattern page! It comes with a free pattern download and super clear instructions for assembly! 
I bought this awesome striped linen fabric from a garage sale, and I was also able to salvage some dark blue chambray-like fabric for the accents! (Since I ran out of space for the pockets!) You could easily make these shorts without the pockets; which I was tempted to! However, the pockets were actually very simple, and it makes the shorts look much more professional. 

I did make some minor adjustments to the pattern, so I wanted to document my process! I also just wanted to brag about how my shorts turned out!!

My design sketch!

Placing the pattern on the fabric... on the opposite way of the grain! I really wanted the stripes to be vertical. So I did some research, and you can work against the grain as long as your fabric does not have a nap or stretch!! I ended up not using the hem bands from the pattern, and they are not necessary! I also didn't have enough room for the waistband so I doubled over the fabric and cut it in two parts and then sewed it together.

Adding some darts in the front and and back because I'm dumb and cut the waistband too small.

Pockets!! I was afraid to attempt the pockets, but I'm so glad I did!! I chose a different fabric for my pockets, mainly because I didn't have enough striped fabric! Even though the pocket fabric is a thicker textile, it still worked out really well!

Here are the shorts fully assembled! I made a few more adjustments as you will see.

I measured and cut off the hem to straighten it out. I ended up not using the hem bands either! I picked about an inch of stitching from the edge of the shorts to make a side slit. Then, I used a basting (long) stitch to temporarily hold it in place.

I then zig-zagged the hem to prevent fraying (which didn't really work!)

I ripped open the basting stitch, and sewed a topstitch on either side of the slit. I made a small hem on the shorts. For added security, I sewed a tight zig zag stitch (to imitate a bartack) on top of the slits.

Ta da!!! My finished product! I ended up turning over the paper bag waist and making another elastic casing. I totally messed up the stitching in the ditch part, so my paper bag waist was a little too.. baggy.

My beautiful pockets & slits!

So glad I purchased some rope cording for the tie!

That's all for now! Happy sewing!

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